How many of you have seen the cute fuzzy little caterpillar (puss moth caterpillar) called an Asp? I hadn't until last night. Henlee was walking in the back door and grabbed the railing like she always does but she stopped on the second step and then she started screaming. I thought she had been stung by a wasp. I took her inside and right below her elbow a oval shaped welp appeared. I put Benadryl topical on it and then I gave her some liquid Benadryl. She is still screaming. DW comes home and then he goes outside to find the culprit that is making his little princess so upset. He found it all right. Right on the railing where Henlee had been. I start calling all my people - my sister, Joy, my brother-in-law, my sister again, Becky. Becky rushes over with Sting Kill and identifies the creature as an asp. We put ice, meat tenderizer, and then my sister calls back with info from the internet. The internet says that fine little hairs may still be inbedded in her arm and that we should put tape on it and jerk it off. What fun. We did this a few times - me, Becky, and DW. This all started at 6:30 P.M. and she was still crying off and on at 4:00 A. M. Also, she wouldn't let me put her down during this time so I ate, used the bathroom, etc. holding the little victim. She is much better this morning but you can still see the imprint of the asp on her arm. I went to wake Reagan this morning and she asked how her sister was and I told her better. She said good, she needed some sleep. I told her we all did.
If anyone wants to see what an asp looks like, I have it at the office.