Thursday, September 4, 2008


Red is my favorite color. When I see this color I see strength, courage, and sacrifice. If any of you watched Gov. Sarah Palin's speech last night at the Republican National Convention, you should be seeing red. WOW! I was blown away. It has only been in the last 10 years that I started identifying myself with a particular party. I was always for the best person for the job. However, I have a hard time getting past all the Democratic ideals (and lack of morality) and have declared myself a Republican through and through. But if I hadn't been a Republican before last night, I would be this morning. She doesn't just talk a good game, she delivers.
The media and the Democraps (oops I meant Democrats) need to lay off her seventeen year old daughter Bristol. As a parent you do the best you can to teach your children to make the right choices, but in the end the child is the one to make that choice. So Bristol evidently wasn't thinking too wisely at some point and is now pregnant. It happens. The best thing to do now is to embrace that child and the baby growing inside her. That seems to be what Gov. Palin and her husband have done. I wonder how many of her critics have been in the same situation and terminated the pregnancy so that it wouldn't tarnish THEIR image ?
I almost cried last night when she was talking about her family and their sweet special needs child, Trig. (Did you see the daughter holding him and spit-wiping his hair?) Through my sister, I have been exposed to some very sweet special needs children. They make you look at the world a little differently and make you focus on the important things.
This lady is just like the rest of us. She started out at PTA and look where she is now. (Hey Lisa, you maybe could be the next Pres and I could be your Chief of Staff. Oh, that's right I already have that title.) Seriously though, John McCain and the Republican Party hit a homeroom when they picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate.


Amy said...

I agree 100%! Great post!

Shelley said...

She is amazing. I was telling Will just the other night that maybe politics is my calling. Maybe I could go from mommy to mayor to govenor to PRES. Dont think I am cut out for that but man, she makes you dream. Thanks for are so brave to discuss politics :)

Betsy said...

She is really DYNAMITE!!!! I think SHE is the "American Dream"... From PTA to VP!!