Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Go Vote

Reagan is very interested in the Election this year. She has watched the debates with us, likes to visit about McCain vs. Obama, and pays particular attention to the political signs. Since she has been so involved, I took her to vote with me today. I showed her the ballot and explained how I could vote for all the Republican candidates if I wanted by marking one box or I could vote for each individual in each race. I particularly showed her McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden and our candidates for the State Representative seat and the Sheriff's race. So much history will be made this year, whether it is a black president (or Muslim?) or a woman as a vice-president (Go Sarah), that I hope to make this memorable for Reagan.
I am very proud of her for taking such an interest. It couldn't possibly be because I am so outspoken at home could it? At any rate I am trying my hardest to raise a good American and a true blue RED Republican.

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