This is a picture of Reagan, our guide, Mike, and the redfish Reagan caught all by herself. He was too little to keep so we sent him back out to find Mama and Papa. I don't think we spoke fish language because our boat only caught 2 keepers. It was a reall bummer when we got back to the wharf and the other boats caught all of this: Now for the shrimping story. Since it was our first time down at the Texas coast we weren't aware of all the things to see and do down there. Our first day on the beach we see this guy with this PVC pipe sucking up dirt, shooting it out, and then looking for something. Being the responsible adult that we are, we sent Reagan and Caden to investigate and to report back. Come to find out there are ghost shrimp that bury themselves in the sand along the surf. You use the shrimp sucker to pull them out. Needless to say, we invested in several of these. Of course, we aren't quite sure who had more fun with them, the children or the adults. Please note that I looked through all my pictures and I only have pictures of the adults with the shrimp suckers. If you go to the Texas coase you definitely need to invest in one of these "suckers". Loads of fun.
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