Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last night Henlee and I went to my Aunt Wyvonne's house while Reagan and her Daddy went to the football game. My Aunt Ethel and her husband Osteen came in and my cousin Boobie and his wife came over to play 84. I love to listen and watch them play. I like to play too but Henlee was a bit needy. I learned a little bit more German, learned that the preachers back in the "old days" were very adamant about the kids learning the Catechism, Psalms, and songs, and that I love to spend time with my aunts and uncles. I can remember back when I was a kid and there was a birthday in the community. All the families would get together, eat sandwiches and homemade pies and then play 84. My Grandma was the best 84 player I know of. She knew what everyone had in their hand before a domino was played. Now my Uncle H. C. likes to go pistol and their is no one that pistols like him - its like PISSSTOLL. I was very happy that I was able to take Henlee over there to visit with her great aunts and uncles (by the way these are brothers and sisters that married each other, maybe when my sister guest blogs for me about the cousin reunion she will explain how all this works) and to remember the good days but also to make new memories for my girls.

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